Mother's Day with our Founder Natalia Thliveris.

Mother's Day is not just for mother's but for us to reflect and celebrate all the other strong women in our lives. The ones who have guided and supported us, the one's we look up to and the ones who are no longer with us.
This Mother's Day we sat down with our Founder; the creative arm of our business, Natalia Thliveris, to share her views on Mother's Day and what it means to her.
1. What does Mother's Day means to you?
"Mothers day for me is not celebrating just my mum but also all the strong women in my life that helped shape the women I have become today. It is a day to come together and celebrate all the special women in my life."
2. What women have inspired you in life?
"My mother is one of my biggest inspirations, and it wasn’t until becoming a mother myself did I really learn to appreciate her. Growing up I was always a daddy’s girl I still am but I have really learnt to appreciate my mother more and understand her. My aunties (both mum and dad’s sisters) plus my 3 beautiful cousins and 2 amazing grandmothers are also inspiring to me in their individual way and I honestly believe from the bottom of my hear that without their love and support and guidance I would not be half the women I am."
3. What's one thing that most people don't know about you?
"Hmm that’s a hard one. I’d say for people who don’t know me it would be that I love to sing. I am addicted to listening to music and signing along to my favourite tunes."
4. What makes you smile the most?
"That’s an easy one; being around my friends and family. They are the light of my life and I love them deeply."
5. What is it like running a business and being a full-time mum?
"Exhausting. At times I feel like I’m failing at one thing or the other and at times at both. There are many challenges and I struggle at times but then there are days where I feel on top of the world. I’ve learnt that its ok to fail and to not be perfect. I’m still learning to juggle both but I am a bit more lenient on myself these days."
6. Do you get to have any "you" time?
"Not much no. I would love to have more me time and again it is that juggling act and finding enough hours in a day to do all the things I need to do. Slowly but I am learning to take some more time out for me."
7. Favourite activity you and your boys love doing together?
"My boys are pretty easy, and they just love when I have time to hang out with them. Weather its playing PlayStation, swimming in the pool or going to the local park to kick the soccer ball around."
8. How do you spend Mother's Day?
"We always spend Mother’s Day together with all the women in my family. Usually for a nice lunch out somewhere."
9. Favourite family holiday?
"That’s a hard one…. I’d have to say Fiji (back in the days when we were allowed to travel overseas) the boys and I had such a great time away and I always love going back to Fiji. The Fijian people are always so welcoming and great with kids."
10. What's your favourite memory?
"I don’t think there is one particular one, but I have to say that when the boys and I travel on holidays together they are always memories I will cherish."
11. What was the most rewarding thing about having children?
"The unconditional love that is both given and received by my children and myself. No matter what has happened what kind of day we have all had there is always love. Oh and the endless amounts of hugs and kisses."